Today marks another milestone in the story of the Miracle Mineral Solution, coined by Jim Humble as “MMS” with the publication of the first newspaper article to which the word neutral would apply. At the very least, Chris Stein’s article in the Pacific Northwest Inlander, titled, “When a ‘Miracle’ Meets the FDA”, suggests, at least by his tag line, that if it is not snake oil, then MMS may indeed be a cure-all.

The story mainly focuses on the impact that MMS had on the businesses of Daniel Smith (Project Green Life) and his associate Matthew Darjany, and the fact that after a year of surveillance and another year of case-building, the Department of Justice has yet to bring an indictment in spite of convening two grand juries to date.
The list of “in spite of” activities would be long indeed. Also, the reasons why the DoJ will have difficulty proving criminality, even though they are trying to prove it, is that no such behavior or harm can be demonstrated from the judicious and intelligent use of the product.
I had an opportunity to speak with the reporter last week, garnering a mention in the article as an “MMS advocate,” a term that I don’t see as being appropriate. I would caution anyone from looking to MMS as the answer to their particular problem without understanding more fully the contributory factors that their problem reflects. This is particularly true with regard to achieving and restoring balance within the body’s ecosystem. MMS can help, particularly because it doesn’t generate new chemical “residue” that the body cannot metabolize, as is the case in virtually every pharmaceutical-based medication. If MMS isn’t helping restore balance in a given individual, then it can cause harm, just like aspirin, Tylenol, and even salt.
If saying that MMS is better and safer than thousands of FDA-approved medications, but not the total answer makes me an “advocate”, I won’t argue, but I explained much more about MMS to Mr. Stein that didn’t make his article.
Unlike the Sydney Morning Harold’s article of January, 2010 which virtually declared that a woman was killed by MMS ingestion, a claim that could not be confirmed by autopsy in spite of the husband’s lobbying attempts (I commented on the case here), Stein’s story was a breath of fresh air.
Stein also notes that in spite of the FDA and DoJ’s actions against Daniel Smith that MMS remains readily available, even on and eBay.
Then there’s this video link that someone sent me yesterday:
This FDA-APPROVED cleaning product has, as its central agent, chlorine dioxide.
On the Vitaloxide site they share this video of how chlorine dioxide was used after anthrax, titled: Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide CNN Report:
Have used it on and off for years – I’ve always wanted both a physical and energetic “healing” mechanism in my arsenal, and between MMS and the works of Grabovoi and Petrov, I think I just might have “cornered the market” –